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Carol Bromley - Nursery Manager

"Little Rackets has provided tennis coaching for out children aged 3-4 years for a year now. The children really look forward to 'Coach Harry' coming each week and eagerly wait by the door to greet him. After a short time the children are beginning to develop their co-ordination and producing real tennis-like shots for which they are very proud. 

Harry engages beautifully with young children and has a great rapport with them. He is able to work with them on an individual level to help them overcome any challenges they may have.

It is a great way to support the development of the children's physical skills alongside concentration and listening abilities, and is a valuable tool to help prepare them for moving onto school and engage in more formal learning."

Lauren Russell - Acting Nursery Manager at Mother Goose Upland 

"Harry has been providing Tennis for our nursery for a good few months now, the children love it when they know they have tennis that day. They often talk about what they have done during their session and will talk about coach Harry with great affection and enthusiasm. Harry provides a great service for our nursery and always engages well with the children."

Jim Greayer - Parent from Little Rackets & Friends Summer Camp

"The best thing that the Little Rackets team teach is that sport and exercise is simple, joyful and open to everyone. Such a wonderful message to pick up at an early age!"

Fidelma Samuel - Head Teacher at Dulwich Montessori Nursery

"Coach Harry has been coaching the children at Dulwich Montessori Nursery for the last year. The children absolutely love him. He seems to be able to get every child to respond positively to him. The children have learned so much in that time; their hand eye co-ordination has improved dramatically, their concentration has extended noticeably, and their attitude to 'having a go' and trying new things is definitely strengthened. Overall I could not recommend Harry highly enough. He really is excellent at what he does, and the children love his visits each week!"

Melinda Henry - Nursery Manager at Le Nid EDG

"We absolutely LOVE Little Rackets. Our children & staff adore coach Harry and he's a highlight to our weekly schedule. Little Rackets makes learning tennis so fun in Harry's cleverly designed programme. In such a short time, our children have excelled in the co-ordination developed. - We would highly recommend Little Rackets to any nursery :)"

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